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11/22/2002 Archived Entry: "NRO editorial on the Democrats reaction to the election..."

From The NRO:

So they continue to be. The Democrats' self-criticism is that their officeholders voted for a war, or declined to be vocal in opposition, even though they were really against it. Have Democrats stopped to consider what this critique says about them? It says that they thought that an Iraq campaign would throw American lives away while undermining Americans' security — but gave it a green light for political reasons. That their chief regret about this behavior is that it backfired as a political tactic. The Democrats are making an indictment of themselves more damning than they realize.

Again, it's all principle. GW took risks and stood up for what he thinks is right. Someone in the Democrat party needs to stop looking at polls and lead. Wellstone did. That's why most people on the right, while disagreeing with him on almost every topic, still respected him and morned the loss.

It took me a while to see it and it's becoming more obvious as time passes. The Democrats have no priciples. There's no there, there. Do they stand for the working class? or just the unionized workers. Are they against sexual harasment in the workplace? or only if the perpitrator is not a Democrat. Are they for or against the war on terrorism? Who knows for sure... And that's the problem.

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