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11/13/2002 Archived Entry: "Buffy..."

That was one freeky-ass weird episode. Very disturbing. I have to watch it several more times to see what I can make of it. Dawn's little adventure was very spooky. Willow's would have been much more powerfull if Amber Benson hand been able to show up as Tara, even so it was intense Buffy's shrink session with the vamp was enlightening, humorous and well paced. I particularly enjoyed the tomb-as-couch scene.

So, what do we end up with: Buffy admits she loves Spike and finds out that he is vamping people. Willow stuck between thinking that her powers will destroy her friends, or maybe save them. Dawn believing Buffy is going to abandon her. Spike vamping people? I'm not sure what to make of that.

I have to watch it again tonight, just to be sure of what I saw.

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