My Archives

Log Archives

July 2004 / October 2003 / July 2003 / June 2003 / May 2003 / April 2003 / March 2003 / February 2003 / January 2003 / December 2002 / November 2002 / October 2002


07/15/2004: Internationalization Info
10/28/2003: Online Time Wasters...
10/21/2003: Nuclear power...
10/17/2003: Fun little toy....
07/28/2003: What will they discover next....
07/18/2003: cool...
06/04/2003: Ha!
06/03/2003: When bears attack...
05/04/2003: Cute Pic...
04/09/2003: Great front line report...
03/31/2003: Soldiers' blogs
03/28/2003: quote....
03/26/2003: Quote...
03/16/2003: A creative car grill....
03/14/2003: International Eat an Animal for PETA Day
03/11/2003: Indoor blimps...
03/11/2003: Democrats again....
03/05/2003: French Jokes....
03/05/2003: Great pic
03/02/2003: Victor Davis Hanson...
03/01/2003: box office poison...
02/12/2003: Another desktop image...
02/12/2003: Desktop background image...
02/06/2003: Floppy drives no longer standard equipment on Dell machines...
02/06/2003: Deal News...
02/02/2003: Engrish Two Towers dub...
01/28/2003: Another great Hitchens article
01/24/2003: A great speach by Charlton Heston
01/16/2003: Cool toy site...
12/31/2002: Happy New Year!
12/30/2002: Pats, Dolphins and the frelling Jets....
12/26/2002: Merry Christmass & Happy Hollidays...
12/16/2002: "If you have but one opportunity, make it count."
12/13/2002: What do you get when you cross a buffy fan and a biologist?
12/12/2002: Today's Doonesbury..
12/06/2002: Haiku Enterprise!
12/05/2002: Snow Snow Snow!
12/03/2002: The 3rd Annual 20 Worst People, Places, And Things On The Internet For 2002
11/29/2002: Nigerian Moslems vs Miss World
11/27/2002: Self-policing
11/22/2002: NRO editorial on the Democrats reaction to the election...
11/20/2002: What would Jesus drive?
11/14/2002: Military appreciation month
11/13/2002: Buffy...
11/08/2002: Even more post-election coverage
11/07/2002: Ruby
11/07/2002: More election analysis...
11/07/2002: The problem with the Democrats...
11/05/2002: Election Day!
11/05/2002: Optical Illusions
11/01/2002: Viking Cats!
11/01/2002: Comedian's and politics
10/31/2002: Happy Halloween!
10/29/2002: RockBox
10/28/2002: New Border's Bookstore
10/27/2002: Yeeha!
10/27/2002: Hey!
10/26/2002: It's getting there
10/24/2002: Another test
10/24/2002: Greymatter test

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